What Is shop shop cabo? We are local groceries shoppers & delivery service located At Cabo San Lucas. 

We are dedicated to make easy your vacations stoccking the pantry of you Airbnb, hotel room or Villa with all that you need to make your trip unique.

Why you should choice us?

We make easy your vacations...

Where we shop?


shop shop cabo


La Comer

Local shops

How to do your Reservation with us

Reservation process

Shop shop cabo groceries shopping & delivery service

Service Area at Cabo San Lucas

For the moment we only can shop at Cabo San Lucas area, see the map for more information.

Our Service Fee

Deliveries rates are based in the amount of the purchase Tickets.

Purchase from 100 USD to 200 USD of groceries = 30 USD fee service

Up to $200 USD Purchase = 20% USD of the total amount purchase ticket

With us you only pay for the service without extra charges In your groceries tickets


Packed delivery van with boxes and fresh produce crates for efficient logistics.
  • No delivery’s on the current day, this service is only for deliveries or purchase with previus Reservation of 24 Hours.

  • Refund with cancelation previous 72 hours.

  • Minimum purchases 200 Usd.

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